Monday, August 25, 2014

Save Money while Shopping

These are some of my favorite tips to save money while shopping:

1. Write a list and stay focused. 
Don't let store merchandising and product placement distract you from getting what you need when you're at the store. Before you go shopping, get a clear picture of exactly what you need and write it down. When you stick to your list you leave with everything you came for and nothing you didn't. 

2. Use Coupons Responsibly
Coupons are extremely accessible these days, so take advantage of them when you can. However, don't buy everything just because you have a coupon it. Only use coupons that are for items on your pre-determined list of things to buy or else you may end up spending way more money than you intended to and not saving any at all.

3. Be Economical
Do the math when it comes to buying it bulk. Sometimes buying large sizes and bulk quantities are worth your money; other times it's not. For instance: When I buy contact solution, it makes sense to buy the pack of two bottles instead of one. Not only does this cut cost on each bottle, but the 2-pack often comes with a free contact case and occasionally a bonus travel sized bottle or coupons for your next purchase. However, when I buy laundry detergent, because I shop the sales and use coupons, it usually is more cost effective to buy a few smaller bottles instead of one huge jug. It only takes a few extra seconds to calculate, but doing the math can save you a lot of money in the long run.

4. Shop Weekly and Seasonal Sales
Take a moment each week to check store ads and research deals going on in your area. If already have a list of things you want, check around to see where you can get the best deals for those items. You would think that your local stores would want to keep costs similar to be competitive; but in some cases you'd be surprised that two stores near each other offer very different sale prices on the same item. 

5. Price Match
There are several stores that price match competitors' sale prices. If you find a good deal at one of your local stores but you don't want to make a special trip just for that one sale item, try a store like Walmart that will price match with competitors. This site gives an easy to follow comparison chart of popular stores that off price matching.

Remember to do your research, get creative, and be frugal so you can save the most out of your trip. I hope these tips help to save you some money from now on when you go shopping!


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